Constant Crashing and "Instruction at..." Error on Windows (Night before show)
Hey All,
Night before a show of course there's problems! I have three with crossfading playlists. I had some issues on OSX, where the performance was erratic, and I traced it to the use of bpatchers vs just the abstractions. Overdrive is off.
Here's what I got:
Tried on two Windows10 machines, one with GTX-1060 32GB RAM, one with GTX-1080 16GB RAM (need to talk to technician in studio about processor, but these should cut it).
All footage is HAP-1 .avi 1280 X 720
I also have an intermittent bug where I have a "gettime" and frame counter so I can trigger crossfades approximately 4 seconds before the end of the video so that it's seamless. Sometimes, it doesn't trigger. Seems to happen much more frequently on Windows again. This is located in the jit.playlist.fader abstraction.
Error screen shot (addresses changes) and project is attached.
Thank in advance for any help / advice.